
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Let's Talk About Pep 3-1-10

Pep’s got a man. The toe sucker returns, Joumana makes out once again and Jacque ?????.

Pep’s got a man and who would have thought that Tom would have made the cut. He seems very nice and sweet but looks really weird. Why are all the nice guys not so attractive? This relationship is probably just for TV. Tom probably won’t be back for season two. I bet the excuse will be he cant keep up with Pep’s lifestyle.

The toe sucker returns. He wants to start something special with Kitty. I think this is a great idea because he gives her what she needs which is a lot of attention. Kitty is entertaining, funny and very real. I would love to see her have her own show.

Jouwanna has been making out with a lot of different men on this show. I am not saying she can’t because she is a single but I just wonder are her kids watching the show.

Jacque is a snooze. There is nothing wrong with a woman knowing what she wants but she is not willing to compromise at all. No man is perfect. Just like women are not perfect. I think she is searching for something that she may never find and her friends are scared to tell her to get it together before she is old and lonely with a bunch of cats.

Let’s Talk About Pep was a great idea for a show. I would definitely watch season two. These ladies showed how hard it really is on the dating scene and what women have to go through to meet that special someone.

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