Bethanny got a life. Jill is upset. Luann is a phony and the rest are just crazy.
WOW! What a great way to start out the new season. NY is trying to bring the rating up with drama in the first episode. Watch out Atlanta.
Alex is being very friendly this season. I must say that this is the first episode I have never seen Simon at all. I was beginning to think he was the sixth housewife. I hope they have tamed their children a little better this season.
Is Ramona bipolar? I think she should be tested ASAP. She’s either bipolar or going through menopause. Either way I think she looks great for her age and if she wants to wear a bikini then that is her prerogative. Ramona’s husband Mario is a bully and she should have apologized to LuAnn for him being an a**.
LuAnn’s a fake. She seems very scripted. What is real about this woman besides her being cheap? Everything is about money, who you are and where have you been. She should concentrate more on her children and less on going out. Does she have a job? Is she promoting something at all of these events? Maybe she is promoting her future music career. Why does every housewife want to be a one hit wonder?
Jill looks very sad this season. I think that the economy being down has got her off her high horse. I am truly sorry to hear that her husband had to battle cancer and that she and Bethenny are no longer friends. What I didn’t like was the fact that she was talking about Bethenny to Kelly. She knows that Kelly is the wrong person to vent her feelings to and if she wants Bethenny back as a friend this is not the way to do it.
Kelly looks like He-Man. This immature high school bully is just out to bash everything that Bethenny does. I was definitely not looking forward to Kelly returning to the show. I was hoping that she would quit and go get the help she really needs.
Bethenny has a new man, successful books and a baby on the way. She is in her glory. I can see how Jill’s friendship can be draining but she should have gone to go see Jill’s husband in the hospital. Bethenny is taking advantage of being on the show by promoting her business and products and I think the other housewives are upset because they are not doing as well as she has. This show is not going to last forever so its best to take advantage while you can.
Next week Jill and Bethenny will be face to face. This is where the real drama begins.
I am glad to see Bethenny doing well in her life. I think that Jill is a hater....check out this video of Bethenny on the Wendy Williams show where she talks about the Jill drama