Frankie finally apologized to Yvonne for her actions. It takes courage to do and that shows how she is growing. Neffe is not divorced. What a big surprised? When you have two irresponsible people trying to get something done it never gets done. Soullow is in a rush to get married. Is it because he already knew that Neffe was pregnant? She had to know she was pregnant while taping the show. Since episode one she has been wearing baby doll shirts to hide her stomach.
It’s great to have another female with you for support but Soullow really wanted to be there for Neffe. .It was good to Soullow defend himself. Didn’t know he actually had an opinion. I find it shocking that a woman that has 7 kids can not pronounce fallopian tube. She should really think about taking some classes. Maybe they can also teach her about birth control. Of course Neffe had to put up the same argument she did when she found out she was pregnant two seasons again.. Guess what? She is keeping it. What another big surprise? Hopefully after this one she will get her tubes tied. The show will be over soon and she will have to get a real job.
Episode 2
Elite & Neffe are trying to find out if they have
the same father. I think this is great but can they do me a favor and call each other by name and not yell sister every five minutes? I thought Elite was the stable sister. She has unresolved issues as well. Elite needs to get in on some of Frankie & Neffe’s counseling sessions.
Is Frankie really writing a book? She will probably do like all the other reality stars. Tell someone her story and let them do all the work. Let’s see how this works out. Neffe’s father welcomes Elite with open arms. That is really sweet. This is a very serious situation and I can not image growing up my whole life and not knowing who my parents are. At the doctor’s office Frankie made a scene. This is what she does when she feels ashamed or just caught in a lie. She gets loud, annoying and makes an ass out of herself. For Elite and Neffe’s sake I hope he is their father. They are opening wounds over twenty years old. This family should not be on TV. They need to be out of the public eye to work on their issues. These things don’t go away over night.

Is Frankie really writing a book? She will probably do like all the other reality stars. Tell someone her story and let them do all the work. Let’s see how this works out. Neffe’s father welcomes Elite with open arms. That is really sweet. This is a very serious situation and I can not image growing up my whole life and not knowing who my parents are. At the doctor’s office Frankie made a scene. This is what she does when she feels ashamed or just caught in a lie. She gets loud, annoying and makes an ass out of herself. For Elite and Neffe’s sake I hope he is their father. They are opening wounds over twenty years old. This family should not be on TV. They need to be out of the public eye to work on their issues. These things don’t go away over night.
I love this family cause they are so real and they dont hide nothin from nobody. And this family learns from their mistakes and the own up to that. So whoever put that this family was messed up the need to hush because they dont know what this family has been through in their life so they just need to quit that..and what do they knowe what this family needs they dont know. But i admire this family because of their craziness, their reallness and their honesty and most of all their love they show their fans