Annie is trash. Lexie is lost and Amber still wants to be the Queen Bee.
It’s the last episode and only four of the ladies survive this season. Annie’s a crybaby, passive aggressive, backstabbing bitch. She talked about all the girls behind their backs but never said anything to their faces. I wish Kate would have given her a real beat down instead of that little smack on the cheek. Annie talked about Lexie to the guys in the bar and behind her back for no reason. I hope she gets a real beat down on the reunion show.
Kendra is the same slut she has been since day one. She looks like a cute little boy in her bikini if you take out that weave.
Amber wants to be hardcore. All this time she has been acting so tough but getting her ass beat every time. This girl is a joke. She stood up for Annie and all she did was stab her in the back. Rumors is that Amber is pregnant. I wonder if she is pregnant by her alien looking boyfriend?
Lexie is so slow. I feel so bad for her. She looked awful in that bikini but us big girls need love too. I hope she has gotten some professional help since the show.
This season my favorite bad girl was Flo. She was real, cool and looked out for everyone. Can’t wait to see who she knocks out on the reunion show.
I saw the season finale of the bad girls club and I didn't like how it ended. It was not enuff drama for me. Wish it had of ended differently. Just my thoughts.