
Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Bad Girls Reunion Part 1

The Bad Girls Reunion show was boring. The more I watch these ladies yell and scream I realize they are just a bunch of big mouth bitches with no jobs.

Trashbox & Clueless

Natalie loves to hear herself talk. She loves to yell and scream to intimidate the other girls so they will be afraid of her. Natalie just has low self esteem but if you had bad acne , horrible weave , and a head shaped like Jay Leno wouldn’t you.

Lexie and Annie were not worth writing about during the show and since then they are still boring so moving right along.

Amber is pregnant. What a great example she is setting for the young girls who watch the show. Having babies out of wedlock and fighting on national TV. Great mommy material.

Flo is my girl . So glad she gave Natalie a little punch in the month. She needed it. I wish she could have got to Kendra next.

Kendra is a cocky bitch. If you look up fake, scary bitch in the dictionary it would be a picture of her. Some how Kendra thinks she’s a celebrity. She is a joke and a whore. I bet her parents are real proud.

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