Sheree’s a snooze. Every suggestion that Dwight gave her she shut it down. When you ask omeone for help you should appreciate their advice. Sheree being the diva that she is she thinks she knows everything but as we can see from her last attempt to put on a fashion show that is not true. Lisa and her husband are so adorable. I hope her husband can figure out what he wants to do as a career and be success. This show isn’t right for Lisa. She should focus more on her family. Everything about her this season has put me to sleep.
Kim singing in the studio made my ears hurt. It was horrible. My five year old niece could do better. She sounds like someone crying for help. I don’t understand how this moron with no personality or talent managed to make a single. Kandi was right when she said you don’t need real talent to sing. Kim will probably be just another one hit wonder. In a few years we will see her on a VH1 Special Reality Star to One Hit Wonder.
Kim’s tits are huge. She should be on the list of worst plastic surgery cases. The dress she wore to the party made her look like she was going to tip over. Kim’s girls are adorable. She shares a little too much information about her relationship with Big papa to them. They are old enough to read and understand everything. I am pretty sure they know he’s married. Kim is not setting a good example. She wants her children to be her friends but she has to have limitations.
The big birthday bash and single release for Kim & Kandi was like Sheree’s independence party. Boring. I love the way Kim pointed out several times how she wanted to include Kandi in her celebration. Kandi should be so honored. Kim’s ring was huge. She is going to have to give out a whole lot of coochie coupons for that. Big Papa finally proposed. How? He is married already. Where is Big Papa’s wife? How come she hasn’t come forward to speak about this public affair that her husband is having? Kim likes to call NeNe ghetto but I think we saw how ghetto Kim was at the party. She yelled bitch every five seconds. Look at my ring bitch. Going to cut the cake bitch. Play my song bitch. Wow really classy.
Kandi’s performance was good. It was so cute to see Kandi’s mom in the audience dancing to her music. I am glad Lisa and her husband went to support. Where was Kim? She is Kandi’s BFF remember. I bet she has a great excuse. Once Kim finishes her album she and Kandi will have a falling out. Kim’s a flake. Soon her 15 minutes will be up and she will be right back at the strip club. Instead of her stage name being Barbie she will be the naughty housewife. Didn’t see much of NeNe this episode. That is probably why it wasn’t that entertaining. Although Nene has went Hollywood I have to admit she is what makes the show.
Your are so right