NeNe still has a big mouth.
Kim’s still fake.
Kandi’s got a new boo.
Sheree still looks like a man.
Lisa got the boot.

Kim’s breasts are bigger and more fake looking than last season? She stills smokes like a chimney and has a drink in every scene. Kim & NeNe are best friends again. How long do you think this will last? Kim is officially a double dipper. She will do anything for attention. First she dates this married man on national TV and next she is bumpin p****** with some she-he DJ. What example is she setting for her girls?
Kandi has a new boo. I have to disagree with Kim. This guy is not cute. He looks like he just did 5-10 or maybe he was homeless. Either way I think she can do better. The whole celibacy thing is a joke. How can you be celibate and still have oral sex. I think Kandi should look celibacy up in the dictionary.
Sheree’s boring and annoying. Why did Bravo bring her back? I rather look at Lisa and her sexy husband Ed than watch Sheree try to become an actress. First she wants to be a fashion designer and now an actress. I think she should just do what normal people do. Get a job!
Where did Dwight get so much money to give away? Does he have a job? I never see him working on anything but running his mouth. He was wrong for telling Kim NeNe’s personal business. He’s a two-faced wanna be housewife with nothing to do.
Phaedra is the stuck-up new bitch on the block with the ex-con fiancĂ©. She is really full of herself. It’s nothing wrong with a strong, professional black woman but this chick is a little over the top. Obviously she controls him. Is it because she has the money or she can’t get another man.
Well Ladies & Gents the drama is just beginning. I am looking forward to a drama filled season. Can’t wait to see what happens next week.