Danielle is crazy. The Manzo’s throw a party. Jacqueline’s daughter needs a reality check and Teresa’s family is too cute.
This season gets right to the drama. Let’s start with the insane crazy lady that everybody loves to hate. Danielle really has some major issues. It’s funny to me how she wants us to think that everybody is against her for no reason. I must admit last season I felt a little sorry for her but now I am seeing her for what she is. A crazy, needy, psycho bitch that is obviously missing something in her life. It makes me upset to see her put her children in the middle of her nonsense. This woman needs to talk to a therapist not a priest. Danielle is a devil in disguise.
Dina seemed a little weird to me with the cats and all those statues around her house. She doesn’t look as happy as she did last season. Maybe if she had her daughter on the show she would be in a better mood. I am glad Dina didn’t go along with the gossip at Caroline party. Why listen to some drunken old lady talk about someone she is friends with. If she wasn’t Danielle’s friend then why does she let Danielle run a tab at her store?
Jacqueline and her husband are so cute. They seem to have a lot of respect and love for each other and I love it. I was a little confused about Jacqueline saying she would still be friends with Danielle. On the reunion show Jacqueline said she was done and didn’t want anything to do with her. Did they make up after the show? Ashley needs a reality check. She is disrespectful, rude and spoiled. I think Chris and Jacqueline show stop paying for her car and show Ashley how hard it is out in the real world. One day she will learn and I hope it’s not the hard way.
Caroline is so sweet. Seeing her with her husband made me smile. He looks great. Caroline surprised me at the party. I didn’t like the way she starting gossiping with that trash box, drunken friend of Danielle’s. She should have known better.
Teresa’s family has a beautiful relationship. The girls seem to be a little spoiled but what do you expect when you are raising four little divas. I hope that Teresa can just ignore Danielle and not fall into the gossip like last season.