Wow, after watching the Real Housewives of New York last night, I just have to say WOW!
It really felt like the entire episode was a dump on Bethenny session. The only housewives who didn’t dump on Bethenny were Kelly because they never had much interaction and Alex, who is just the nicest person in the world!
The show opened with Bethenny and Ramona walking across the Brooklyn Bridge to meet Alex and Simon for lunch. I’m really so over the Ramona hating Brooklyn nonsense! Who cares if Ramona ever sets foot there again? Really? Ramona was more brutal and vicious than I have ever seen her before. Maybe it seems that way because it was Bethenny that she was attacking, but Ramona did say several times at last year’s reunion that she “wanted to get back at you”; she said it to Bethenny and to LuAnn. Ramona’s childhood cannot be blamed anymore, I’m sorry that she had a difficult childhood but enough is enough, you’re 50+ years old with a husband and a daughter! You know right from wrong! How dare you attack Bethenny? The apology was not sincere, go away Ramona!
Did anyone else notice that when Kelly was trying to interview strangers on the streets of New York it was all men that she tried to talk to? She literally walked around women to get to the men and even grabbed two little boys? Great job Kelly, you try to stop strangers in the street to ask them what they think about accessories? That’s been done Kelly; it’s not innovative or anything special. Am I the only one who’s never heard of Gotham Magazine? Your cap is not trendy Kelly, my 9-year old son wears one all winter long. What moron doesn’t know how to use a digital camera? We’ve heard enough about your ex-husband, let it go!
Now Countless and Evil Jill in bed together is going to give me nightmares for weeks! LuAnn, most bedrooms are darkened at night, that’s what happens when the sun goes down, (is she kidding me with this?) And now we know where that ONE copy of LuAnn’s book that sold ended up, Jill’s guest room!
I think our poor Bethenny cried more in this one episode than we had seen her cry since season 1. When she was talking to Alex about her father, it was heartbreaking. For those who didn’t know, Bethenny’s father was a famous race horse trainer and he died in November of last year. When she quickly said that he wouldn’t see her, my heart broke! How can you turn away your daughter while on your death bed?
LuAnn’s scenes consisted of her going to a thrift store to talk about a fundraiser and her rattling off her requirements for her new home in New York to a realtor. Wow she is exciting! Lose LuAnn!
Jill visits Alex pretending to care about Alex’s feelings and the boys , obviously all for show. The ever stubborn Jill STILL refuses to agree to reach out to Bethenny even after Alex practically told Jill that Bethenny’s father is very ill. Jill just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t she?
So we learn this episode that it was Ramona who told Jill that Kelly and Bethenny had called a truce. Ramona is starting to get an E Rating here too (E for Evil) What reason could Ramona possibly have to repeat that type of information? To cause trouble maybe?
The scene at Ramona’s house between Jill and Bethenny was extremely frustrating. Mostly because the whole idea was for them to talk alone. Didn’t you love when LuAnn said, “did you want to talk to Jill or did you want to talk to me?” Hysterical, why would Bethenny want to talk to LuAnn?
LuAnn couldn’t stop butting her big horse face into the conversation. Tea? I wanted to dump the tea over her head! Did you ever see anyone so stubborn as Jill was? But do you guys think that if they were truly alone, the conversation would have been different? Jill knew that LuAnn was listening and for some reason, she didn’t want to do anything to hurt that relationship. Jill is still star struck over the “Countess” title and LuAnn has proven that it doesn’t mean Class!
Bethenny leaves and Countless says, “she didn’t even say hello to me” What Countess? I can’t believe it! Don’t you get it? Bethenny hates you LuAnn, but this isn’t about YOU! Holy crap! Then we see the fake crying from Jill, who asks, “am I a bitch because I didn’t cry?” Well yes, you are Jill and the fake tears didn’t change that!
If any of you were in Bravo’s Bubble Talk during the show you would have vomited as I did watching Kelly tweet! She actually said that Jill sacrificed herself this season for ratings. Jill claimed in the media that she was warned by Bravo producers to “Bring the drama or lose the apple”. Of course, if that were true, it would be considered a veiled threat meaning either you make the drama happen this season or you’re fired. Personally I don’t believe it and Andy Cohen released a statement to the press stating that No Housewife is told what to do, what to say or how to act and I believe him.
Let’s pretend for one minute that what Jill and Kelly are claiming is true and Bravo Producers insisted that Jill act this way or get fired. (I know, its crazy but stay with me for a minute) Would any of you really lower your standards, lose your integrity, let your daughter and mother see you act this way and completely ruin your reputation with the public on the off chance that you would be released from a TV Reality show? That is what Jill is claiming she has done. So she’s done it purposely to keep this gig, or she really is being herself, either way, Jill is the most horrible and hated woman in New York City!
Thank you for allowing me to guest blog!
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