
Sunday, February 21, 2010

Real Housewives of Orange County 2-18-10

At lot of crying, bitching, and bullshit once again. Alexis wanted to prove to us she was a christian, Vicki wanted all the attention as usual and the other blonde Barbie’s just bitching about their pampered life.

Gretchen is growing on me. I don’t think she wants to marry Slade and I am relieved. Why in the world would he think Gretchen would marry him? He needs to get a job and get his child support issues in order. I think Slade sees that Gretchen’s career may be going somewhere and wants to get in on it.

Lynne is blaming her husband for everything that happened with their house and finances. If she paid any attention to the news & newspaper she would know that the economy is not doing so well and that the construction industry is down. Therefore, let me say in a way she can understand” Bitch your broke”. Stop buying the expensive clothes and nose jobs for those spoiled daughters. When Lynne’s daughter started cursing at her father and stating her opinion I thought that she was being very disrespectful and I felt that she needed to be slapped. If you tap that ass early they wouldn’t be having this problem.

Vicki is a drama queen. Always crying a playing the victim. That act is getting old. I was glad to see Brianna stick up for her mom. She does know that her mom doesn’t like to hear the truth but it is great to see a young woman have respect for her mother. Lynne’s daughter’s can learn a thing or two from Brianna.

Tamera wasted her time talking to Vicki about her marriage. Any friend that doesn’t understand that your husband comes before them is not your friend. Vicki wants Tamera to put their friendship before her marriage and that is not right. Simon has become a big asshole this season. It seems to me that on every episode he gets more controlling and I think that is one thing that is ruining their marriage.

Alexis ! Is she for real? When she started to pray as she sipped her martini I almost fell out of my seat. Being a Christian doesn’t mean you’re perfect but the short skirts, drinks and drama is not very Christian like. The pastor said that Alexi’s beauty is her gift. That depends on if he means natural beauty or the face that she paid for. Her attitude can be pretty ugly sometimes and I don’t think that is very Christian like.

Only a few more episodes left. Can’t wait to see what happens next week.

Bad Girls Club 2-16-10

Natalie got a ticket, Kendra got a beat down, Amber got punched in the face and Lexie was just being Lexie. Every week it’s the same thing with these poor examples of human beings that just want to drink, sleep with random guys and do anything to get their 10 minutes of fame.

Let’s get the lost Lexie out of the way. Why is this girl on TV? She should be somewhere getting professional help. If she is not farting everywhere then she is having random threesomes with Kendra.

So glad Amber got punched in the face. I wish she would have got punched in the mouth because she talks tooooo much. She has gotten her ass beat 2 times and when she gets back to the house she is still talking crap. Where is my girl Flo? I want her to come back and check all these losers.

Kendra the girl who has no mind of her own. Natalie had it right when she said she created that monster. I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not. Kendra goes from being the quiet loser who probably got picked on in school to this loud month slut that sleeps with everybody. I am glad Natalie tapped that ass. I hope that they will not be friends anymore.

Natalie the biggest lunatic I have ever seen. Where is this girl from? I know her parents must be pretty embarrassed. She did overeat to the ticket but it was no need for Kendra to keep talking about going to jail.

The other losers in the house are not even worth talking about. This show is getting more and more insane as the season continues. Maybe more next week.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Millionaire Matchmaker 2-17-10

Where does Patti find these Millionaires? My guess is rehab. Has she ever had any success with matchmaking?

One again Patti and her staff of circus freaks set out to find love for the millionaires in LA. This week we have a crack head and a sugar daddy. Of the two the 25 year old crack head has a connection with his date and wants to pursue the relationship. I couldn’t believe it. This guy goes on date high as a kite and expects this young gold digger to deal just because he says he is a millionaire. I almost throw up in my month when I saw them kiss. Obviously she knew he was on drugs and that is way she gave him the old school line “I have a boyfriend” Which means beat it, get lost, or you’re a loser.

Now on to grand daddy. He should have just came in and said he wants a young woman with big tits and a hot body who is willing to just pop out a babies for pay. I am sure if Patti would have explained that to the ladies it would have been a long line of single blonde airheads looking to pop out one just to be taking care of.

Maybe next week Patti will finally make a love connection for someone after these long 3 seasons but then again probably not.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Let's Talk About Pep 2-15-10

Here goes the black Sex & the City!

Why is Pep dating Tom? He maybe nice but I couldn’t get pass his mouth. He is all teeth with some creepy eyes. I definitely don’t think that relationship is going anywhere. Is she just trying something out for the viewers benefit? I think so. How do you go from dating someone with muscles like Treach to someone who looks like Shrek.

Is it me or is Jumana just weird? Her nose really creeps me out. She came off pretty desperate this week. Goggling someone to find out information and then showing up at his gym. Sounds like a gold digger to me. Someone’s looking for a new husband.

Jacque has never had an orgasm. WTF??? Need I say more?

Kitty! My girl Kitty. Every week I am entertained and not surprised by anything that she does or anything that comes out of her mouth. She did break a few of the rules in the girlfriend handbook but she had me rollin all night. Somebody please sign Kitty up for her own show.

Fantasia For Real 2-15-10

Is Fantasia for real? That is the question. This show is just another reality show that celebrities do to get their family some exposure. Just like Kesia Cole did for Frankie and Neffee. I guess VH1 will have Teeny and more Teeny coming out soon. Or maybe a show like Teeny gets his driver’s license.

Let’s start with Fantasia. Wow this girl is growing through alot. I can’t imagine having my dreams come true and my friends and family just want to live off me, spend my money but also criticize me at the same time for wanting to better myself. That is what happens when you reach a certain level of fame. Fantasia needs to grow a backbone and stop feeling sorry for these clowns in her life. Rumors of her house going into foreclosure spread a few months back and now I see how that happens. She spent 40 thousand on a studio that she hasn’t really been using, a huge house for all of those people, and has purchase all those cars for a brother with no license. Take some advice form MC Hammer Fantasia and get rid of some of those people and put your money away.

Ricco is a pretty good singer. I wouldn’t call him the future Michael Jackson. It may be his choice of music that doesn’t make me see that he is a great entertainer. He seems to be very jealous of Fantasia and her success and doesn’t like the way she baby’s Teeny. Why doesn’t he do anything? Say no to Fantasia and Teeny. But if he does that Fantasia who is probably helping support his album financially will back out.

Teeny! What can I say? He has no talent and he’s riding on his sister’s coat tail. Why not go back to school continue your education or maybe even get his driver’s license? He continues to make a fool of himself. Teeny has no job, no driver’s licenses, and his sister supports him. I guess he will do anything for a quick dollar. It amazes me how people think if they record a song and have no talent, they will be set for life. Kind of reminds you of Kim from RHOA. Maybe she and Teeny can do a duet together. What a train wreck that would be. Fantasia has enabled her brother long enough. Its time for him to get a job and stand on his own two feet.

To sum up this show it’s probably something Fantasia did to get her house out of foreclosure. A little advice Fantasia plan for the future and tell the family to get the steppin.

Real Housewives of Orange County 2-11-10

Is it me or are the OC girls getting a little boring? Can Slade get arrested? Will one of Lynne’s crybaby daughters really get an ass kicking like they deserve? I need to see that.

Lynne is evicted and just a few weeks after her house warming. That has got to be embarrassing. Why would her husband wait this long to tell her about this? Why would he waste money on plastic surgery instead of paying the bills? Frank needs to learn how to say no. What he should do is go back and ask the surgeon for a refund because his daughter still has a big nose and the only thing he did for Lynne is made her head look like a basketball. Why would Lynne spend all that money on a jacket? I guess her husband had it right when he said she lives in a fantasy world.

Gretchen is annoying. Her laugh, her life and desperate need to give Lynne advice about her kids makes me sick. Starting a make-up line is a great idea. She will be her own Avon lady. Nothing like being an entrepreneur.

Tamara and Simon need marriage counseling ASAP. It’s sad that they are now getting a divorce. I thought that they were a great couple minus Simon’s jealous issues. I bet Ryan is happy now he can hit the bars with mom and pick up chicks.

Vicki is still her normal, workaholic, pain in the ass, everything is about me self. She is a go getter and a great business woman but besides that she is too needy. Vicki wants everything to be about her and nobody else. I hope that her daughter is ok and that there is no cancer.

I saved the best for last since I haven’t blogged in awhile. ALEXIS! What an annoying, fake human being. Definitely not a Christian. Tell me Alexis what does being a Christian mean? Does it mean give a bitch a beat down for looking at your husband? Having too many drinks while playing bunko? If it does than that’s you all the way girlfriend. How did she meet her very much older controlling husband? There relationship makes me want to throw-up. He doesn’t change diapers, he yells at the kids, and she can’t go anywhere with him. Sounds like a case of the Burning Bed to me.

As I watched this weeks episode I noticed that all these women look a lot except Lynne. Blonde hair, fake boobs, and don’t think we didn’t notice Alexi’s fake lips. Is this a requirement in the OC? Obviously it is because all these women have been nipped and tucked. What a joke?