
Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Ladies of Orange County are Back!

WOW! The drama has started already. These ladies didn’t waste anytime getting right into it. Tamara and Gretchen are at each other throats once again. I think Gretchen is upset because her secret came out about having another man while Jeff was sick. How did this guy get Tamara’s number? Who is this mystery man?

Gretchen is now dating Slade which I think is very weird. I thought Joe and Gretchen were friends? Isn’t it against the rules to date one of your friends ex? They look pretty happy together but Slade has not aged well. Gretchen wants to convince Lynne to not be friends with Tamara because now she doesn’t like here. Sometimes these women are so high school.

Lynne seems to be doing very well with her business. I think the jewelry looked great. She should have known that she couldn’t get all of the ladies together with out all the drama. The dinner turned out to be a disaster. Lynne’s daughters are spoiled little Barbie dolls. These girls need to get a taste of the real world. All they are worried about is nose jobs, parties and cars. My suggestion to Lynne is that she should have started handing out spanking a little earlier and she might not have this problem.

Gina is leaving the show. I like Gina. I didn’t like the way her sons talk to her but I like her over all. She doesn’t like drama and is a very nurturing person. The housing market is in the dumps and her income is way down. No more expensive spa days and Jimmy Choo shopping trips. Kara is handling the situation like an adult. She got a job waiting tables and is not acting like an ungrateful bitch like Lynne’s girls. I was not surprised to learn that Vicki didn’t loan Gina money. Vicki is very self centered and just thinks about herself. She will not even do things for her husband.

One of the cutest housewives couple is having problems. I hope Tamara and Simon don’t end in divorce. This season Simon seems to have an attitude problem. It could be because of their financial situation. The economy is going down fast and all those people who have too much going out and not enough coming in are going to feel it.

I saved the best for last. Vicki Vicki Vicki. This woman is more of a bitch this season than she was last season and we are just on episode two. What a control freak, arrogant, poor excuse for a human being? About the only thing I like about Vicki is her go getter attitude. She treats her husband like dirt and she feels like the whole world revolves around her. If she didn’t like Lynne’s cuffs she should have kept it to herself. I don’t like her fake bleach blonde hair and snotty attitude. First Lynne didn’t do enough and now she doesn’t like what she’s doing. Who made Vicki the boss of everybody? Why doesn’t Don leave Vicki? They don’t travel together, don’t have sex and they hardly ever see each other. That’s not a marriage. Don should get out with Gina. I think those two will hit it off well. I love Vicki’s daughter. She doesn’t let anything go to her head and she seems very down to earth. Unlike her mom who just thinks she is better than anything and everybody. Tamara is crazy if she really thinks Vicki is her best friend. Now that Tamara’s money is low Vicki will drop her like she did Gina.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Real Housewives of Atlanta Reunion Show

I’M BACK! It has been a long time but I have been very busy. Not so many great episodes to blog about but I will try my best with what I had to work with. RHOA Season Finale and reunion shows were all boring. Not every entertaining at all. I don’t have to see people fighting all the time but these women were too scared to even disagree with each other. Let’s start with the boring not so important people in the show first.

Sheree is my least favorite housewife of all the housewives. What a weirdo? What do we really know about her? She was married and now has a clothing line. What kind of person is she? She is kind of like Kelly on RHONY very guarded and needs to let her hair down. Dwight did a great job on her fashion show. He is a business man and I think that Sheree is just to busy worrying about getting her hair done and how she looks. I hope she will not return.

Lisa and Ed are so cute but so boring. I wonder if bravo is going to bring these two back next season. I thought Lisa was already pregnant when I saw her sitting on the couch. Maybe it was the big hair or that unattractive dress that made me think that. It was so annoying to here 10 times how she is having fun trying to make a baby. We saw it on the saw and we don’t need to hear about it any more.

NeNe is a bitch and very proud of it. She used to be my favorite but after this season I think she has went Hollywood. She is funny at times and very entertaining but can be full of herself. I understand why her husband was a little leary about her having a relationship with the guy who says he is her father. I believe he is because her son looks just like him but you have to be careful when people just pop up out of the blue. She has a great support system and I wish her the best but I hope on next season she comes back to reality.

Kim is a space cadet. Obviously her PR person hasn’t told her what to say and what not to say. She needs a public speaking class. She sounded like an idiot when giving here views on what she considers a married man. Kim should get all of her lies straight and stick to one. A lot of the stories she tells just don’t add up. How much money could she have been making as a nurse and waitress? Not enough to have a Bentley. Unless she just goes from pimp to pimp. Her performance on the reunion show was horrible. Ashley Simpson did better on SNL when she was lip-syncing to the wrong song. Kandi tried to help Kim out but she was already out of breath and that is because she smokes too many cigarettes. A lot of the NeNe and Kim’s drama is for TV. No two women can break-up to make up like these two. Now they are the best of friends all of a sudden and looking to do music together. Girls give me a break.

Kandi has had a rough year. Losing her fiancĂ© and also the car accident. She’s a fighter. I wonder why she feels so sorry for Kim. What does Kim give to their friendship? I also noticed while NeNe was talking Kandi had an evil look on her face. She did that a lot during the season. As I said before she doesn’t know how to take NeNe jokes but it seems she has gained more popularity than NeNe and I think that is why NeNe is a little jealous.

Can’t wait to see who will return, get foreclosed, or get choked next season.